Shampoo & Booze 15: Slow But Steady February on Airbnb

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We have more bookings than we expected for the chilly month of February. Getting a sign made for the Farmhouse so people know where to turn- an essential element that has been missing this year. I also bought some driveway reflectors to lead people down the right path. New house progress includes getting the power taken down, roofer starting and the power plugged back in again. The glamour never ends! (See above photo of my cleaning lady-esque slippers and my very trusty Eureka Airspeed One).

Thinking of becoming an Airbnb host or guest? Use our referral code and get $20 off your next stay or $80 credit if you become a host!


  1. The picture above, is that the wood floors in the house? They are beautiful.

    1. yes those are the floors at the farmhouse
      you can see them here too---

  2. Did your friend take only indoor shots. I think it would be quite lovely to include some winter shots now too..especially with all the snow you guys got. I think it would be very picturesque and maybe help with winter bookings?

  3. Hi J & R
    I just came across this site and thought of you.
    Tennessee farm house for rent.
